Marine Beaufils embroidery art

EDGE magazine

EDGE magazine published an article about my artwork in its July 2023 issue, #385.

Making dots of light physical, one coloured strand at a time.We’ve seen game-inspired needlecraft before, but never anything quite as striking as French artist Marine Beaufils’ interpretations of Geoff Crammond’s classic, starkly rendered 3D puzzler The Sentinel (pictured right).
“The ZX Spectrum version of The Sentinel uses its palette of eight colours in duo, with black or blue as a common denominator, and this masterful use of colours fascinated me,” Beaufils says of her attraction to honouring the game this way. “I hadn't planned on making a series—embroidery is a long and tedious process —but it was impossible for me to choose among the 13 different duos of colour, so I decided to make them all!”
Beaufils says that her “strongest motivation is the feeling that every videogame is a complex flux of images with many unseen subtleties,” and her creations extend to the static iconography of videogame maps, our favourites being her interpretations of Metroid, bringing new texture to the layout of the series first four instalments.
Pick your own favourites at www., where Beaufils also showcases an assortment of non-game creations.”

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